Having Hope

Personal and professional guidance to support you through life’s upsets.

Take a Natural Approach to Stress Management

Learn how to overcome self-sabotage, fear, anger, and sadness with Coach Brandi in The Discover the Power Within Program. This is the most transformative program that allows you to breakfree from feeling stuck while building core confidence and inner strength like never before. Join before May 8th!

Why is Life Like This?

Where do you need help the most right now?

Hope | Confidence | Faith | Health | Spiritually

When you feel like you’ve tried everything,


but nothing is working. You feel emotionally depleted and energetically exhausted, drained, and defeated.

You are not asking for much except for the pain to go away. You wish you could have a new life when it hurts this much.

It’s taking a hit on your confidence, and you are doubting yourself more than ever.

You are not in a good place. You work hard. You understand a lot, and you’re pretty self-aware, but for some time, you have been treated unfairly. You feel like the people around you don’t respect or appreciate you, and this self-doubt is starting to spiral you down a dark hole.

You’re noticing you’re self-sabotaging, but you don’t know how to stop.

You want to know what it is you are missing. Should you leave or try to work on it and stay? Are you the problem, or is everyone else?

You want to believe that good still exists and that people can change, but you don’t know where to start. You want someone to show you something real.

Have you really tried everything?


You have my full compassion. I understand what it feels like to be trapped. Through the various upsets I’ve had, I became depressed and suicidal because I completely lost hope and felt worthless, but I came out of it, and you can, too. You’re in what I call the “stress bubble,” in which you cannot see ways to escape because you’re submerged in so much stress that the emotional burdens - which looks like there is no place to go, no one to talk to, no one who understands, and that stress bubble is keeping you from seeing a way out.

You have a life to live, and I want you to live your best life. In our first meeting, I’ll help you identify your blind spots—things you are unaware of that are holding you back. Then, I’ll give you advice on how to overcome those challenges and guide you on how to take your next steps to all the possibilities around you (things you haven’t seen before because you were submerged in the stress bubble). Lastly, I’ll give you options on what you can do next to continue moving forward.

Are you willing to take a leap of faith?


I know how nerve-racking it can be to open up to someone new, which is why I offer a consultation to get you started. Instead of jumping into a program without meeting your coach and knowing if they will understand you or not, we’ll meet one-on-one so you can meet the real deal.

I have been disappointed many times in my life from betrayal, abandonment, abuse, and homelessness and I know what it feels like to be afraid. I’m incredibly passionate about what I do. Fortunately, I’ve helped hundreds of people across the globe overcome challenges they haven’t even told their spouse or best friend.

I want you to have a better life. I want there to be less suffering and drama in this world. No matter what you’ve been through, everyone has a story and everyone has been through something.

Take a leap of faith and start with one consultation. From there, I will show you what it is you are missing. I will help you see the blessings in your life and I will show you how to strengthen your connection with yourself and the people you care about the most.

What can you experience during your first consultation?

Most people think they need several months or years to overcome challenges, but I work differently. I don’t waste any time at all. So why should you wait another week, month, or year to resolve your problem or to make any progress?

I’m here to do one thing: help you break down your biggest blocks so you can get relief and gratitude from doing what you’ve always been wanting to do and living the life you’ve always wanted.

What Students Are Saying

Working with Brandi both personally and professionally has brought more clarity into my life. To be able to see beyond fear and doubt as well as identifying my why. I could not have asked for a better person to work with. She shows nothing but passion and compassion in what she does. She will always be dear to my heart and a friend forever. Mahalo nui loa Brandi for all that you have done and will do.
— Leonard Keao, IT Business Consultant & Founder Of Keao Technology Solutions
The best of the best athletes have coaches. Even Michael Jordan had a coach! I’m no Michael Jordan, but at a time where I needed new direction I discovered Brandi. Her compassionate empathic abilities paired with a wealth of knowledge played a huge role in guiding me to shift perceptions that allowed miraculous change into my life. I call her an earth angel because she has allowed me to reflect on my natural gifts and live a more purposeful life.
— Brittney Higuchi, Civil Engineer & Miss Popularity, HI
Brandi puts her mind, heart and soul into each ONE of our SESSIONS. She has helped me move forward in my personal and overall life by creating a more balanced and fulfilled life. Highly recommended to anyone that needs that extra push in life for greater purpose.
— Michael-Vitally Vernon Champion Athlete, Fitness Coach, Actor, Model, Philanthropist

About Coach Brandi

For one to understand the light, one must’ve walked in the dark.

I was born in Guam and raised in Guam, WA, and Hawai’i. I grew up with a single parent and faced much emotional, physical, and sexual abuse since I was 5. Moving several times and having gone to 10 different schools, instability was a BIG issue. While battling with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, I didn’t know if I could make it to age 18. As a result of therapy and prescribed drugs NOT working, I coped with drugs and alcohol, fell into debt, and became homeless.

AFTER overcoming ALL that, plus CHRONIC nerve pain in my 30s, I began my quest to become an entrepreneur where I could help people. From working in sales and retail, at a gym as a fitness director, and climbing the ladder in numerous positions in the culinary industry, I began investing in holistic health coaching to help people through diet and nutrition. As soon I started coaching other coaches in the program, I immediately understood my purpose. I help people overcome issues I understand well without treatment, therapy, or prescribed drugs. Once this happens, I see people do things they never thought were possible for them and finally live a life they enjoy. Helping others is an important part of my life.


Why I’m a COACH and NOT a physician

Physicians primarily address physical health and medical conditions and are specialized in diagnosing and treating medical conditions. During a crisis in my life, I sought out a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, and counselors, but instead of receiving help to fix my problems which led me to feel depressed, they prescribed me drugs that made me feel worse. Watch this video to learn why I became a holistic life coach after seeking help from Western Medicinal physicians.

Your past does not have to define who you are and who you will become!

Your life can change. You don’t have to be a victim! You can be a Light Warrior! Meet the Ambassadors, also known as Light Warriors, who have overcome various setbacks. My life changed because I chose to invest in my well-being to move forward instead of dwelling in the past.

Holistic life coaching is about helping people move forward in all areas of their life. I’ve spoken at organizations to empower people to have better relationships, go after their career goals, and have better health. Through this, I’ve inspired people to start their own movements and scale their businesses so they can live more fulfilling lives, and you can too.

You are ready if…

you want help in relieving stress

you don’t want to waste anytime

you want to make a positive change in your life

you want to work with someone who can support you when opening up about your challenges

you want to work with someone who can support you in feeling confident about where you’re headed

My coaching will be perfect for you if…

you want to receive advice on how to overcome challenges immediately

you are open to trying new strategies and techniques that will build your confidence and security

you want to apply practical steps in creating joy, excitement, and gratitude at home, work, and within your relationships

you want to develop a close relationship with one coach whom you can open up to, shed tears with, and feel connected to

you want to accomplish more by working with one coach who will help keep you on track, so you don’t self-sabotage

If this sounds like you, schedule your session now.

Get Real Results

“I’ve learned more of where my insecurities come from so that when they do pop up, I recognize them. I can accept them, and now I, also, have tools to process that and work past that.” - Lynn

“The interaction was on a much deeper level that allowed me to see things in such a way, and not be clinical.”

- Drew

“She really helped me change my mindset from being at such a low place, she really talked to me in a way that was comforting and wasn’t judgemental at all, and that’s what I wanted.” -Marielle

Don’t Give Up

When you are feeling hopeless, lost, confused, and alone, I'll help you gain clarity, peace, and confidence to help you bounce back from the disappoints of life's unexpected challenges. Schedule a session and let’s get you to a better place!

Take a Natural Approach to Stress Management

Learn how to overcome self-sabotage, fear, anger, and sadness with Coach Brandi in The Discover the Power Within Program. This is the most transformative program that allows you to breakfree from feeling stuck while building core confidence and inner strength like never before. Join before May 8th!